Notification portal. Current state of implementation

Very soon the notification portal for cosmetic products will be launched for testing…


With the entry into force of the technical regulation, notification (notification of the provision of products on the market) using the notification portal will be a mandatory stage.

From the beginning of the approval of the regulation, APCU specialists regularly provide expert technical and consulting support to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the implementation of the portal, including reference materials and translations of European guidelines for working with the portal.

Only for 2023…

  • More than 10 meetings of the APCU were held as part of the working group with the Ministry of Health regarding the stages of portal implementation, development of user manuals, as well as exchange of experience in working with the European CPNP portal;
  • 20+ meetings with the developers of the portal regarding the implementation of the main elements of the portal, explanations of the mechanism of providing information about the cosmetic product and other technical nuances.


As of October 2023, the Notification Portal is in the final stages of development and is being prepared for beta testing.

In the coming months, all interested persons and participants of the perfume and cosmetics market will be able to familiarize themselves with and test the notification portal on their own, as well as leave their comments and remarks.

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