Ukrainian stand with APCU participants at Beautyistanbul 2023
APCU organized the national stand at Beautyistanbul for the third time…
About event:
The 5th Beautyistanbul exhibition (5th International Exhibition for Cosmetics, Beauty, Hair, Home Care, Private Label, Packaging and Ingredients) took place in Istanbul (Turkey) on September 27-29. Today, Beautyistanbul is one of the five largest cosmetics exhibitions in the world. 850 exhibitors from 60 countries were presented at the exhibition and registered visitors from more than 150 countries of the world!
This year, the Association, with the support of the exhibition organizers and the Consulate General of Ukraine in Istanbul, worked out favorable conditions for the participation of the Ukrainian pavilion. According to the results of joint work, 112 square meters were allocated for the members of the Association at a reduced cost.
In addition, thanks to the hard work of the Consul General, the exhibition was included in Decree 153, thanks to which all participants were able to promptly pay their participation.
8 APCU member companies took part in the national stand: ACME Color, Astra Cosmetic, , ED Cosmetics, Mermade, 2K Family GmbH, NATURPRO , and UNIKS.
The Ukrainian stand was presented in the new hall (Hall 7), where the grand opening of the exhibition took place. Thanks to the efficient work of the exhibition organizers, all companies participating in the Ukrainian stand had a regular flow of visitors and were able to develop a solid base of potential customers.
Also, on the opening day of the exhibition, the Ukrainian stand was visited by the Consul General of Ukraine in Istanbul – Roman Nedilskyi. APCU introduced Mr. Roman to all the participants of the stand, discussed future cooperation and the prospects of Ukrainian companies entering the Turkish market.

Consul General of Ukraine in Istanbul – Roman Nedilskyi and coordinators of the national stand: Anastasia Sergienko (APKU) and Inna Savchuk (Astra Cosmetics)

We sincerely thank the participants for their trust and active participation in the promotion of the Ukrainian perfumery and cosmetics industry on international markets!
Until the next meetings!